Thursday, November 14, 2019


What a big mistake!
We teach the children to say that His first miracle was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee; What an error!
When He left John at the waters of Jordan,
He dwelled in the desert for 40 days and nights in fasting and prayers,
When He left the desert, He went to Capernaum; where He met the Fisher brothers,
They cried that they had no catch all night,
He borderd their boats and caused them to launch the nets again, and this time, IT WAS A GREAT CATCH OF FISH...
This, Jesus did before He went for the wedding with His disciples at Cana. Therefore, the first miracle of the Master was on the Fish and not on the wine.

A long time ago when the oceans were still blue and fresh  and silver coatings lined the seacoast, the Master made a long walk to the town of Capernaum where He met a band of frustrated fishers;
Fishers: we have laboured all night and no fish for a catch 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Master: Really? 😀😀😀😀😀 Did you launch into the deep? (the part of the river that is not polluted with spilled oil, refuses and sewage)

Fishers: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Master: Then launch into the deep...

Fishers: Master, we made a great catch!
Master: Did you ever know that you drive the fishes farther away from shore everyday when you put your refuses, sewages and dirts into the river?

Fishers: Master, tell us, what can we do to bring the Fishes back

Master: Simple! Get rid of the garbages, sewages and refuses. Make your rivers clean and your Fishes will return to you again.


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