We are going to be considering the Earthen Pond building here so you have to follow these steps carefully:
1. Dig your pond: an ideal pond for stocking 1500 fishes from juvenile till 6 months maturity should be about 15m×15m (3fts deep), it could be up to 5fts deep if possible. You can use excavators to dig your pond and as well manual labourers. Notably, manual labourers may take up to 5 days to get the work done but an excavator can get the work done in a day or two.
2. De-mud your pond: Assuming you have an old pond and it is not newly dug, the next step is to de-mud your pond; this is basically removing the mud from your pond to make it more suitable for your fishes.
3. Ensure your dike/embankment is very high: Catfish farmers with earthen pond often have to deal with a lot of problems, and a common problem during the rainy season is flood which can carry the fishes away. Atleast a dike should be 2-3fts high for safety.
4. Ensure there's an inlet and outlet: this often comes in form of a pipe through which water can enter and go out of your Pond. A functional inlet takes care of your Pond in case of heavy rain or slight flood. Moreover, it ensures the quality of your water. A lot of things can pollute stagnated water therefore it is necessary to have a good inlet and outlet.
5. Treat your Pond: once your Pond is prepared and treated, the next step is to get it treated. It is necessary to get rid of all forms of predators inorder to ensure fish safety. To treat your Pond, use chemicals such as Phostoxin as well as limes. It is necessary to block water from coming in or going out for about two weeks when treating your pond. Assuming it's a 15m×15m by 4fts Pond, you can use 3 tubes of Phostoxin to treat it, and a tube contains 30 tablets, making a total of 90 tablets. Carcasses of predators will always float out after a day or two.
1. It is not expensive to construct2. It can contain large number of Fish
3. The fishes are bred in an environment, similar to their natual habitat. for more information on other fish containment.
Wow, I can't wait to make it through this avenue