Do we really fine pleasure in games that Promotes Marine Violence?
Do we really love to manipulate a bigger fish towards the destruction of the smaller?
Do we only see this as a game...and far from reality?
Could there be an emotional effect on us through this?
- Playing marine violence video games will create a mental apathy in the mind against marine biology conservation
- Marine Violence video games has no regards for marine survival.
- The effects of this on a child is bad! A child who keep watching and playing such games will grow into an adult that has no conservatory passion for Marine biodiversity.
- Marine Violence games will continually add to the deteriorating situation of marine pollution and exploitation.
- Marine conservation games will help the world far better than the violent games
Our planet depends extensively on the sea ( the habitation of our fishes and other marine creatures) much as we want the planet safely preserved from any destructive tendency, we ought to consider the sea as considering the sea, we consider its inhabitants as well....
#marine conservation is a collective priority
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